Tuesday 12 April 2011

I Love... Late Night Hot Drinks

Yes, yes, I know the very title of this post makes me sound like a very old lady but I promise you, this feature is hot in a way that Horlicks will never be! These late night drinks are designed to pep up your party and give your guests a late night treat that will keep the party going until the early hours.

Late night hot drinks are fun and they're easy on the budget too. Coffee and muffins, hot chocolate and doughnuts or even tea and wedding cake. A bit of a drink and a nibble or two will revive anyone, especially after a long day.  When you don't want that day to end either, why not fire your guests up with a shot of caffeine for another session on the dancefloor or let them snuggle up on sofas and chairs with mugs of warming drinks to talk into the early hours? Whatever route you take, late night hot drinks are perfect for every wedding...

 Above - cute mugs are perfect for late night hot drinks. I can just imagine the bride & groom and a few of their nearest & dearest sinking into sofas, hands wrapped around big mugs, talking and laughing for hours after the main party has finished. It's times like that that really make memories. Image - Event Jubilee

 Above - love this coffee bar that's part perk-me-up and part pack-your-own-favours. Pick the drinks you want and either fill a mug or fill a bag. Image - via Feather & Form

 Above - I know this isn't a night-time shot but it's a perfect illustration - everyone loves an indulgent hot chocolate with a blob of cream. Add in a chocolate stick stirrer and you're guaranteed smiles like this. Hot drinks are officially cool! Image - Camilla Photography

Above - If you're serving late night hot drinks before everyone heads for home, how about handing out their favours at the same time? These printed bags are great keepsakes and if you were feeling rather generous, you could include a mug inside with the tea or coffee too. Image - Ben Blood 

 Above - cute cute cute! Hot chocolate shots with brownie squares. Totally fabulous and let's face it, we can all make brownies, even if we use a packet mix so this is a great option for some wedding DIY! Go for the best quality hot chocolate you can for these special drinks (I'm a bit of a Charbonnel et Walker girl myself!) Image - via Camille Styles

 Above - totally delicious! Hot chocolate with mini doughnuts slipped onto the stirrers. I have to say that I think the big blob of cream is positively obligatory for wedding day hot chocolates. This is not the time to be counting calories. Indulge uncaringly! This hot choc looks devilishly thick - you could buy some so-bad-yet-so-good Cioccolata Fiorentina mix from Carluccio's for the same gloopy goodness. Image - Martha Stewart

 Above - the perfect coffee station! Biscuits, mugs, milk, packs 'to go' and a coffee machine. It's all good and your guests will love you for it! This would be easy to see up in a quiet corner and doesn't need staffing or managing and guests can grab a drink when it suits them. Image - via Wedding Star

Above - I just really like the personalised coffee cup sleeves here and the splash of Starbucks style is great. You can buy the plain cups and lids on line and make your own sleeves or add printed stickers to the cups to put your stamp on them. Simple, cheap and ever so effective. Image - Wedding Chicks


  1. Lovin the mini doughnuts! :)

  2. Doughnuts, brownies or biscuits - I'd be happy with anything!!

  3. So many yummy ideas -think I need to put the kettle on now.... :-)

  4. Love this post! The only thing I would advise is if you don't have a barista attending the espresso machine, at least have an attendant. In order to pull a good espresso shot, you must have experience otherwise your guests will make disasterous coffees!
    Espresso Dave
    Boston, MA

  5. Late night drink is very dangerous for young age people because it causes hangover for that Healthy Detox Drinks For Hangover is good for us.
